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Welcome our new music teacher Mrs. Milla. She is booking now for June.

Updated: May 11, 2018

Full name: Milla Nyaga  Favorite instrument and why - Piano - I have been attracted to and involved in making and performing music since 7. I enjoy sharing my musical ability with others in formal and informal settings.  I am convinced that music has a liberating effect on the mind and increases the child's ability to deal better with all the other subjects of the school curriculum and real life. Music should be taught to anyone and everyone without exception.

How long have you been teaching music?- over 10 years  What do you hope to achieve during your lessons?-  Singing alone and with others, performing on an instrument, improvising melodies, composing and arranging, reading music, listening and describing music, performing, understanding relationships between music, history, and culture: all of that are components, which help to develop the aesthetics in the individual. Through the music curriculum and performance students, including special needs students, gain self-efficacy and ability to express their emotions when they participate in music making. They are all allowed being creative without being wrong. "


Not because we expect you to major in music…

Not because we expect you to play or sing music all your life…

Not only so you can relax and just have fun…


…so you will be human

…so you will recognize beauty

…so you will be sensitive

…so you will be closer to an infinite beyond this world

…so you will have something to retain for enrichment

…so you will have more love, more compassion, more gentleness…in short, more LIFE!

Of what value will it be to make a prosperous living unless you know how to live?

Music gives lifelong benefits.


— Kathryn B. Hull, 1999

Sign up for private lessons today by clicking here.

I look forward to teaching your kiddo.

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